Friday, 9 November 2012

Week 2: 4 Social Groups and Their Preferred Media

[ 1 ] Kids + Video games   [ image source ]    

Plenty of kids nowadays have started to become addicted to video games. One of the reasons is perhaps because video games have become much easier to obtain than in the previous generation. Previously, you would have to have a specific platform (e.g. Playstation; home console, Gameboy; portable console) in order to play certain games. However, with the advance in technology, there is less of a platform-barrier, due to how games can now be multi-platform (e.g. PSX2; game simulator that allows Playstation games to be played on PC) and can also be found easily online (e.g. free flash games on various websites).

[ 2 ] Young adults + Mobile devices   [ image source ]

Mobile devices have become almost like a default accessory to a young adult’s lifestyle. Whether it is a regular phone, a smartphone, a tablet, or a gaming device, it is relatively hard to find someone without any of these on their person at any time. With the booming popularity of social media, it has helped bring upon the advent of smartphones that alert users of any messages from their social feeds. Perhaps it is due to the need to occupy their time in boredom, or perhaps they feel the need to always be somehow connected to people wherever they are.

[ 3 ] Office workers + E-mail   [ image source ]

Based on recent articles in the last 6 months, office workers seem to prefer the usage of e-mail rather than phone calls when dealing with work. E-mailing someone presents a rather professional and neutral outlook to clients. You are able to choose and compose your words at your own pace, never risking the stumble and stutter that come with feeling nervous. However, on that same line of thought, it also takes out the personal feel of human interaction, and may promote higher occurrences of introversion in society.

[ 4 ] Elderly + Television   [ image source ]

It may not sound very surprising that the elderly of this day and age watch more television than any other age groups. John Logie Baird's first demonstration of televised moving images was in 1926, thus the current elderly grew up alongside the growth of television. Other factors that possibly contribute to this is having more free time due to retirement, thus seeking entertainment and companionship.

[ 1 ] AboutOurKids
[ 2 ] ibtimes
[ 3 ] TechRadar ;

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